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Cocktailers —

It was another hot weekend in The Big Apple, but I’m happy to report that today some very nice rain is bringing a much needed cool down to the Boogie Down. This week?! MORE PEACH. We put together a seasonal peach shrub last week and created three delicious cocktails using gin, vodka and bourbon. This week we will dive forth into incorporating the peach perfection into some tequila, mezcal and amaro cocktails to see how far and in how many different ways it will stretch.

I know what you are saying right now. “Justin, I didn’t make the shrub last week. I’ll be behind.” Well, I am here to tell you that that is just not true. We will welcome you. We will not judge you for missing last week’s class. We will even catch you up at the beginning of the night. I’ll tell you what…I will even email you the recipe beforehand so you can show up to Thursday night and be teacher’s pet. That is how much I want you to succeed in mixology. The ball is now in your court. Make us all proud.

July 28

Life is…Peachy.

August 11

Mango! Mango! Mango!